Health and wellbeing Resources

Self-care is a broad term for anything we do for ourselves solely for the purpose of looking after our body or minds. It means looking after yourself physically, emotionally and socially.There are many forms of self-care, from making sure you get enough sleep or are eating well, to taking up a hobby that helps you to relax.

We have gathered a selection of self care resources to help our patients - please see below.

Explore a library of approved health and care apps from the Cheshire and Merseyside ICB. This trusted resource offers a wide range of tools to support your physical and mental health.orcha_logo-min.jpg

Click here to discover the full libary and take a step towards better health. 


My Life Warrington is a directory full of help , advice and support in Warrington from early years , support for carers and things to do in the local area. 


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